Feline Friday Featuring ~ OTIS ~ Handsome, but Stinky

 For our first post on this fine Feline Friday (our first post ever), we are a bit inelegant. Sorry, but it's just a bit of fun.

I was shooting video and my husband did so well at being quiet because he is scared to make any noise when I'm filming. This took a lot of training but he is trained to be quiet now.

I, on the other hand, need some training because I ruined the video by saying "he stinks". Meaning Otis, not my husband. My husband does not stink. I almost deleted the video and then I thought, I'm just gonna go with it.

Enjoy, it's short.

Adios Meowchachos & Meowchachas,

Homestead Prowlers (Floki, Zoe, Otis, Mama and Papa)

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