Havin' A "Helluva A Time" With Our Sunday Selfies




Floki, Zoe and Otis are on a joy ride, crankin' up the radio and feelin' fine while havin' a party on the water and drinkin' Wisconsin marsh "wine".  Join us!

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Adios Meowchachas & Meowchachos,
Homestead Prowlers ~ Floki, Zoe & Otis

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  1. That is really wonderful. This is what Dad wanted to do get a nice bit of land and be livin large in the country. Ah well then there was that hit-n-run in 99. We do have a nice fenced area and that is nice. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Timmy Tomcat~ thanks for checking us out and also for subscribing to our YT channel. We are looking forward to checking out some of your videos, too. Our Pawrents are from the big city and they just recently moved to this place, they never thought it would happen but then things just fell into place somehow. Sorry to hear about an accident..... You must have a catio or something like that, those are so cool. Well, we will perhaps see when we watch your vids and checkout your blog. Take care have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. You kitties sure were having a great time outside!
    We have snow squalls here today...sheesh, way too early for winter weather advisories...UGH. Lets just have a wee bit of snow for Christmas and then no more...yeah, as if...

    1. Oh snow squalls! Our Meowmy is from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and lived many years in Chicago so after 3 years of living in Texas (2015-2018), she has a serious new appreciation for snowy weather and the 4 seasons. She says she will never complain again! MOL! Well, she complains when it's too hot outside....

    2. We love the seasonal changes and each has its own character and beauty, but the extremes are what are so annoying and dangerous even.

  3. What beautiful kitties....and I love their names
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you, Cecilia! Mama wanted to change Zoe's name but she picked one that Papa couldn't remember or pronounce so Zoe she stayed, LOL! Have a wonderful day!


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